Mmm... an exploration of how food makes us feel

Nutrition for your brain




Pregnancy and POSTPARTUM Guidance

I know how hard it is to make positive changes to your nutrition and mental health when you are not feeling well. Mental illness runs in my family and I’ve been using food and nutrition to support my brain health. More recently, discovered I had ADHD and had a baby. Both have further cemented my knowledge and how to support cognitive function and mental well-being.

That is why we work at your pace making small daily changes to your habits to achieve your health goals.

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F.O.C.U.S. - A nutrition program for ADHD

Functional Nutrition

Organizational Techniques

CBT tips, Compulsion Management

Understanding your Neurobiology

Supplementation & Support

Erica’s Mission

After growing up with unidentified digestive difficulties and eventually being diagnosed with Celiac Disease, I decided to become a Holistic Nutritionist, graduating with honours.

Discovery of new foods and studying the brain is my favourite pasttime. I spent the last 15 years learning about food and symptomatology. Together we explore your digestion, your mood and brain health, to assess what symptoms you have and get to the root cause of what is causing you to feel unwell. I teach my clients to trust their inner authority around their health and advocate for themselves and their own wellness. 

My mission is to make nutrition accessible, both financially and as an educational right.  


Food and Mood’s Approach to your Success; The 6 A’s
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